tlc: year with
a leather club

a documentary by Randy A. Riddle



New York, NY
February 21, 2002
Two showings of TLC:  Year With a Leather Club at "Playing with Power: A Discussion on Sexual Dominance and Submission" at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, New York. The one day event featured exhibitions of paintings, photographs, and videos in addition to panel discussions, presentations, and demonstrations. The event was part of the Center's "Sexuality Series".

Netcast at FSTV 
TLC: Year With a Leather Club was shown at FreeSpeechTV in nine parts during the Fall of 1997.  Go to their archives to view a section of the documentary in Real Video format or listen in Real Audio 

Part 1: Origins of Leather Clubs/What is TLC  
Part 2:  Stereotypes, Safe Sex, NAMES Project Quilt Panel  
Part 3:  Christmas and Family 
Part 4:  Why Leather?  
Part 5:  Gil's Piercing/Politics  
Part 6: Preparing for the March on Washington, SM/Leather Contingent Meeting  
Part 7:  March on Washington 
Part 8:  Radical Sex Workshops   
Part 9: Last Thoughts

Lexington, Kentucky 
February 8, 1997 
A showing at Connections, a Conference at the University of Kentucky on multidisciplinary approaches to the study of popular culture. The director, along with TLC founding member Stuart Norman, were present for a "Q&A" session on the video and for a general discussion on SM in popluar culture. The showing received an extensive write-up in an article on the conference that was in the February 8th, 1997 edition of Lexington, Kentucky's Herald-Leader

Los Angeles, California 
Saturday, October 12, 1996 
A showing at the Los Angeles Leather Fetish Community Awards 

Washington, DC 
October 5th, 1996, 8pm, DC Eagle 
Around $200 was raised for the NAMES Project 

Dallas, Texas 
June 20th, 1996, 8pm, Dallas Eagle 
Sponsored by NLA-Dallas 
Raised $160 for the Houghton Legal Defense Fund 

Raleigh, North Carolina 
June 14, 1996, 8:30 pm, Flex 
Free showing sponsored by Flex, 919.832.8855 

Indianapolis, Indiana 
May 17-18, 1996, four showings, 501 Tavern 
Sponsored by 501 Tavern, 317.632.2100 
Over 100 people attended; a $100 donation is being made by 501 to the Leather Archives and Museum, Chicago 

Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
May 4, 1996 
Sponsored by Boudoir Noir 
Over $100 was raised for the Hougthon Legal Defense Fund